Dealing with Miscarriage: The Loss No One Talks About

Carrie wonders if it was her fault. Was it the drink she had on New Year's Eve? The hard run she took two days later? Belle feels guilty for taking her pregnancy for granted. She was so close to the second trimester. Sylvia pushes herself. She wants to try again as soon as she can. They all [...]

By |2018-12-11T21:55:12-07:00September 10th, 2015|Grief, Perinatal Loss|0 Comments

The Transition to Parenthood: Focusing on the Challenges Ahead

“Preparing for the psychological demands of parenting during the early days of life is one of the most important tasks of the expectant mother and her partner.” Ann Corwin, Ph.D., M.Ed., LCCE: Integrating Preparation for Parenting in to Childbirth Education, Journal of Perinatal Education Winter, 1999. The transition to parenthood can be a beautiful thing. [...]

Grief and Loss Counseling: When Your Loss is Too Hard to Handle Alone

Therapy can move you past loneliness and isolation into healing. You thought you could do it alone. Pick up the pieces, put it behind you, move forward - all those things that people say when it’s been a while and they just want you to be okay. But the grief won’t let you go. The [...]

By |2017-08-23T16:20:57-06:00July 7th, 2015|Grief, Trauma|0 Comments
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