Couple's Counseling Quiz

Would Couple’s Counseling Help Us?

My partner and I are more like roommates than partners.

I’m just not attracted to my partner anymore, or vice versa.

I withhold affection from my partner to punish him/her.

I have had, am having, or am considering having a sexual affair.

My partner has had, is having, or is considering having a sexual affair.

We fight constantly about money.

I keep secrets from my partner about how I spend (or save) money.

I don’t plan financially with my partner about the future.

Our communication with each other is usually negative.

We have arguments about the same things all the time.

We don’t really talk or listen to each other anymore.

We only talk about our children – it seems like we have nothing else in common.

I feel contempt towards my partner, or vice versa.

My partner is the problem.

I frequently daydream about the perfect partner; I just have to meet him or her.

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results!

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