Why Regular Date Nights are So Critical to Being Solid Parents

You’ve probably heard it before. Date nights and parenting can be a difficult mix. Sometimes the difficult mix is financial. If you don't have family nearby, you may have to pay for a sitter. Dinner out, a show, or a movie can then add up quickly. If this is true for you, you may be able to trade date nights (or [...]

When You and Baby are Apart: Dealing with Separation

You have to go. It’s okay to go. Your baby will be fine. Of course your baby will be fine. Still, your heart might race a little imagining a meal, drinks, and a long conversation away from your little one. The thought of having to return to work, or leaving for an overnight trip might just [...]

Prevention and Treatment of Developmental Trauma (in Children Under 3)

What happens when an infant or toddler suffers a failure of secure attachment to his or her caregiver? What if a parent is unavailable, unsafe, or overbearing? The science shows that developmental trauma during the first three years of life can seriously disrupt neurological, cognitive, and psychological development and attachment to parents, guardians, or caregivers for the long [...]

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