Trauma Quiz

Would Professional Trauma Treatment Help Me?


I am in shock, denial, or disbelief that this traumatic event happened.

I have been feeling angry, irritable, or moody since this event happened.

I have been feeling guilt or shame, or I blame myself for this event.

I have been feeling hopeless since this event happened.

I have been feeling confused or have difficulty concentrating since this event happened.

I am filled with anxiety or fear since this event happened.

I have been feeling disconnected from others, or numb, since this event happened.

I have been having trouble sleeping, or had nightmares, since this event happened.

I find myself being easily startled since this event happened.

I have been deeply exhausted since this event happened.

I feel unexplained aches and pains in my body since this event happened.

My heartbeat frequently races since this event happened.

I experience a lot of muscle tension since this event happened.

I avoid anything that might remind me of this event.

I use alcohol, drugs, food, or excessive exercise to feel normal since this event happened.

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